Monday, June 11, 2012

 It has been almost a week since we last posted; thanks for checking in to see how we are doing. Since Santa Fe we have seen some incredibly beautiful sites, none of which had internet accessibility, or phone service for that matter!

We acquired our third bumper sticker.

We made our way into Colorado towards Mesa Verde National Park on the recommendation of our new friend Eddie. It was quite a gorgeous ride!

Making lunch roadside against a beautiful Colorado backdrop

After entering into Mesa Verde the drive to the campground was a steep climb with great scenic overlooks. 

Don't worry Mama T, there was a guardrail behind me.

The next day we took a self-guided tour of the Spruce Tree House, the most well preserved cliff dwelling at Mesa Verde. The area was inhabited 1,400 years ago and the inhabitants flourished here for 700 years! These cliff dwellings are quite intricate and skillfully constructed in the canyon where the temperature stays cool year round. 

After leaving Mesa Verde we traveled Southwest through the Four Corners.

There was a very determined woman instructing everyone on exactly how to be in all four states at once. I followed suit.

From there we traveled into Arizona and around Marble Canyon, with its sweltering 105 degree temperatures and face-blasting sand, to Kaibab National Forest where it was a cool 85 degrees. Thank goodness because Marc had informed me in no uncertain terms that if it was hot at the campground we were getting right back in the car and heading North, fast. 

The next day we hiked our longest distance yet, twelve miles on the Arizona Trail 101. The weather was perfect (a first for our hikes) and the tall Aspen forest opened up to the most beautiful meadows, a perfect place for lunch. 

Good thing Marc was there to catch this falling tree. My husband is so strong!
 The end of the hike took us along the ridge to an elevated view of Marble Canyon. It still looks hot from this far up!

 We ventured into the Grand Canyon National Park the following day. We walked a short way out to Bright Angel Point to see what is famed to be the most stunning view from the North Rim. The beauty and vastness of the canyon are almost too much to comprehend. It was a humbling experience and one that we are grateful to have had.

After all the excitement of the past days, we spent the rest of our Sunday relaxing at our campsite playing Farkle. Thanks Mama T!

So we have officially been on the road for two full weeks now and we’d like to share some insights that we’ve had thus far:

Six is the perfect number of cup holders.
Saltines and Sriracha are staple foods.
There is no substitute for ice cold water.
Soap is overrated.
We may have to drop a dog if Lucy keeps up her lackadaisical attitude.     

That’s all for now! Love to all and we’ll see you after Zion!


  1. You guys have some awesome pics

  2. I promise not to be lackadaisical when I come--I don't want you to drop ME! Mama T
