Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Our new home- Creede, CO

Hello from Creede, CO! We pulled into town on Thursday after slowly winding our way up through Wolf Creek Pass. We have to admit that we were a bit anxious as we drove the 21 miles from South Fork to Creede. We had been thinking about this day for a while now and our imaginations had run wild. What would the town be like? Would we find friends there? Would it be all we had expected?

Luckily, Creede has so far lived up to all of our expectations. It is a great small town with very friendly people, cute shops in the downtown area, and a gorgeous panoramic view of the mountains on all sides. 

We didn't get any pictures of the downtown area, we have to leave something for the next blog post, but we did get quite a few great shots. 

Here it is, Cascada Bar & Grill. It is a beautifully constructed restaurant with a spectacular mountain backdrop.
The famous Creede fork

We quickly settled into our home, which is much more than we had expected. It is a cute little two bedroom house with plenty of room for visitors! We have a great backyard area with a custom fence built just for us. 
As we moved all of our belongings from the RV to our new home, the elevation became evident. It will take us a little while to get used to living at 8,800 feet. But I know one way to speed up the process...
go for a hike!

So after two days of cleaning and getting the cabins ready for guests, we decided to take some time and see the sights.

Never have we lived somewhere with such easy access to stunning natural beauty. From our back door, we can see the sign for the National Forest trail that leads up to an unbelievable view of the town. The same trail travels ten miles to Wheeler Geologic Area which we hope to visit before the season starts. 

The portion of the trail that we hiked today is called the Up and Over, and very accurately so. It leads up to a rocky area overlooking Creede, and then over into the older, north part of town.

 Lucy couldn't believe her luck! Her and Max were in their element.

 Fortunately the elevation caused us to stop often during the "up" part which gave us ample opportunities to capture shots like this.

From the top is a 360 degree view of snow capped mountains and jagged peaks.

And the wind was blowing!

Marc gives it a well deserved thumbs up.

To be honest, this picture is not quite as dramatic as it looks. Although climbing up did give me a bit of vertigo.

After hiking up, we traveled over through the forest and down into the north part of town where we saw what is left of the old mining buildings.

Here are the local hockey ponds.

After our hike, Marc was feeling very much like a Captain.


Marc fashioned us some lovely brick steps for the back of our house. 

Max took to them quite nicely.

After four days in Creede, we have fallen in love. We have already met some great people and checked out a few of the local eats. Our season starts on May 22nd, and we are looking forward to a great summer!